Following Run Zeng 03 Arrest, Safety of Fishery Vessel Workers Should be Priority

Sunday, 19th May 2024, Run Zeng 03 was arrested in Arafura Sea by the Directory of Surveillance and Control of Marine and Fishery Resources (Ditjen PSDKP), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Fisheries. The pursue involved PSDKP’s patrol vessel. Run Zeng 03 was arrested due to ocean crime activity including transhipment of 100 tonnes of vessel without permit, trafficking in person of domestic fishery vessel workers, and illicit solar transaction amount 150 tonnes, in collaboration with KM Mitra Utama Semesta.

During the arrest, approximately there were 12 Indonesian fishery vessel workers and 18 foreign workers. Aside of KM Run Zeng 03, PSDKP-KKP also arrest Indonesian-flagged KM Yulian, a collecting vessel from Probolinggo, East Java sized 157GT. The vessel is allegedly collaborate to assist the operationalization of fishery vessel workers by distributing food supply and fuel.

DFW Indonesia researcher Miftachul Choir hopes the effort of PSDKP-KKP officer will open the black box of foreign fishery vessels operate in Indonesian water illegally. “Since the beginning, we push KKP to uncover the intellectual actors and guarantor who let the foreign fishery vessel workers to operate in Indonesian water without permission,” stated Miftah.

Furthermore, Miftah also supports and demand the government to continue the search and arrest of KM Run Zeng 05 in order to rescue the rest of Indonesian fishery vessel workers. “As of now, at least there are 15 Indonesian fishery vessel workers in KM Run Zeng 05 in which their position is still unknown but allegedly Run Zeng 05 escaped to Papua New Guinea.” According to Miftah.

Previously, on 14th April PSDKP’s 2024, patrol vessel KM Orca-05 succesfully stop, inspect, and handle KM Mitra Utama Semesta. The situation could not be separated from the previous incident of six fishery vessel workers became a victim of trafficking in person 11 April 2024. According to the report received by National Fishery Centre (NFC-DFW), 1 out of the 6 domestic fishery vessel workers found dead by the resident of Koijabi district, Aru. Following the situation, NFC-DFW has found and received report regarding the violations of normative rights of fishery vessel workers.

“As of now, NFC received report concerning unhealthy food and drinks, poor safety facility, no working contract and working 16 hours a day,” according to Siti Wahyatun, DFW Indonesia researcher. The development strengthening the allegation that there is trafficking in person. “Currently there are 18 Indonesian fishery vessel workers that has not returned and still working in Run Zeng 05,” said Siti. Furthermore, Siti demands the Indonesian government to uncover both national and domestic network that affiliated with KM Mitra Utama Semesta, KM Yulian, Run Zeng 03 and Run Zeng 05.

“Governments need to be actively coordinate with the regional and international fishery authority to receive data, information, and status of Run Zeng 03 and Run Zeng including law enforcenment”said Siti. DFW also demands the government authority to coordinate with relevant institution and impose law enforcement of intellectual actor behind the ocean crime and increase the surveillance in Indonesian water.

“Ocean crime in this situation is not a single phenomenon and found multiply cases, we suggest the Ministry of Fishery and Marine Affairs to arrange a coordinated team to handle the case” said Siti.

Read also : Kapal Ikan Berbendera Rusia Ditangkap di Laut Arafura, 30 ABK Diamankan

Read also : Beyond IUUF: Trafficking in Person in Run Zeng 03 and 05

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